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knetex gives a second chance. By collecting, sorting and recycling old clothes, we protect the environment and valuable resources.

Grauner Sprinter mit grüner knetex Folierung

You have an empty space for a used clothing container?

We already have 5,500 containers in use throughout Germany. In this way, we ensure that 23.4 million tons of textile resources are returned to the economic cycle every year. Our goal? To set up many more containers throughout Germany in order to save even more resources and give textiles a second chance.

Support us by renting out your space.

Contact us now.

knetex Mitarbeit passt den Standfuß eines Altkleidercontainers an

Carefree: knetex takes care of maintenance and care of your container parking spaces

We show a sense of responsibility in the maintenance and care of your containers and corresponding parking spaces. For this purpose, we do not cooperate with subcontractors and empty our containers ourselves.

We empty tour optimized and regularly ourselves

Based on the quantities thrown in, we plan our emptying tours so that the containers do not overflow. Because above all we want one thing: that you have no work with your containers. Containers are emptied once a week. And if a container should threaten to overflow: Our emergency service is available for you 24/7.

knetex Mitarbeiter steht am Sprinter mit einem Altkleidersack auf der Schulter

100% transparency: weighing of containers before and after emptying

Each local association and each container is accounted for exactly and individually. That is why we weigh each time on site, create reports and weighing certificates for you. In addition, we issue credit notes for our charitable partners, through which you can directly make monetary benefits.

Grüner knetex LKW
Mit Altleidern gefüllte Gitterboxen, LKW Anhänger und knetex Altkleidercontainer

Swap bodies for optimized storage of resources

So that we can collect throughout Germany, we organize swap bodies in which we can collect the clothing. This is packed in big bags and stowed in sea containers. Once a swap body is completely filled, it is picked up by truck and transported to sorting plants.

grauer Sprinter mit grüner knetex Beschriftung als Zeichnung